Header Photo Credit

*The stunning photo in the header of my blog is all thanks to Ron Shoshani. Visit his facebook page for more of his amazing photographs of Tel Aviv!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Tel Aviv Project Palazzo Takes Street Art Indoors

"Think back to your high school note book. Now imagine all of the cool, crazy, almost psychedelic doodles that filled your loose leaf margins covering the walls, ceilings and floors of your apartment. Take the doors off their hinges, add a splash of color and cool lighting, and ....you have Project Palazzo.

Project Palazzo is the work of two young artists and one sociology major who moved into a crumbling Tel Aviv apartment. Over the course of three months they started painting, drawing and doodling all over the walls, documenting the process using still photograpy and video.

The three happened upon an exhibition space waiting to be materialized when they were thrown out of their apartment and scrounging around for somewhere to live. One of their mothers had just bought an old house in Tel Aviv, just along Park HaYarkon and, seeing the boys were desperate, offered the dingy house to them, temporarily. That's when the idea hit them, and they decided to go for it.

The exhibit opened on Friday Feb 4th with a fantastic turn out despite the wet weather. Champaigne, wine, cola, bisli and bamba greeted visitors who entered the front door with eyes wide open. Spectators walk into a fantasty house, with strange creaturs scrawles along the plaster walls and spray-painted monsters haunting the shower." -Omanoot notes on facebook.

The exhibit continued every day last week from 6pm-10pm. If you missed it, I put together a short clip for Omanoot.com. Check it out!

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